Brimstone is a thrilling supernatural television series that delves into the depths of good versus evil. The story revolves around a deceased cop who finds himself sentenced to Hell, but is unexpectedly granted a second chance when the Devil sends him back to Earth. His mission? To track down and recapture a staggering 113 malevolent spirits that have escaped.
This gripping series follows the cop, now known as Zeke Stone, as he navigates a treacherous world where darkness lurks in unexpected places. With each episode, Zeke must unravel the mystery behind these escaped spirits while simultaneously battling his own inner demons.
The tension builds as Zeke encounters a variety of terrifying criminals, each possessing their own unique set of malevolence. Alongside a diverse cast of intriguing characters, including a mysterious woman with her own dark past, Zeke constantly faces life-threatening situations that test his courage and determination.
Through pulse-pounding action sequences and thought-provoking storytelling, Brimstone explores themes of redemption, morality, and the power of the human spirit. Will Zeke successfully recapture all 113 spirits and finally find salvation, or will he be consumed by the very darkness he seeks to eradicate?
Prepare for an enthralling and suspenseful journey as you join Zeke Stone on his mission to confront evil in Brimstone.
Also Known As:
BrimstoneRelease Date:
23 Oct 1998Writers:
Ethan Reiff, Cyrus VorisAwards:
4 nominations