Amber's Descent (2020) is a thrilling psychological horror film that follows the life of Amber Waltz, a renowned pianist, as she embarks on a dark journey. After a traumatic incident, Amber decides to isolate herself in a remote farmhouse to find solace and work on her latest symphony. However, things take a sinister turn when she realizes that her composition is mysteriously being written on its own.
As Amber becomes increasingly possessed by the music, strange occurrences start happening around the farmhouse. She begins to experience terrifying visions and encounters unexplainable phenomena. Determined to unravel the mystery behind her eerie symphony, Amber delves deeper into her own psyche and confronts some dark secrets from her past.
With each passing day, the line between reality and hallucination blurs for Amber, leaving her questioning her sanity. As the haunting symphony draws her closer to the edge of madness, she must navigate a treacherous path to uncover the truth.
Amber's Descent explores themes of trauma, creativity, and the fine line between genius and madness. With its suspenseful narrative and chilling atmosphere, this psychological horror film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
Amber's DescentRelease Date:
23 Mar 2021Writers:
Micheal Bafaro, Michael Mitton