Lynn + Lucy is a heartfelt drama that explores the profound bond between childhood best friends Lynn and Lucy, whose connection is akin to a passionate love affair. Both women have never strayed far from their hometown and are deeply rooted in their close-knit community. Lynn, who got married to her high school sweetheart and has two children, experiences a shocking turn of events when Lucy's baby tragically dies. Their friendship undergoes a drastic transformation as Lucy becomes ostracized by the community, leaving Lynn torn between her loyalty towards her friend and her obligations as a wife and mother. A heartbreaking examination of small-town gossip, judgment, and the complexities of friendship, this film delves into the depths of the human spirit and the resilience required to navigate devastating circumstances. With powerful performances and a thought-provoking narrative, Lynn + Lucy artfully captures the emotions and challenges faced by these two women as they confront loss, betrayal, and the struggles of forgiveness. Directed by Fyzal Boulifa, this poignant drama will leave audiences reflecting on the strength of friendship and the consequences of societal pressures.
Also Known As:
Lynn + LucyRelease Date:
22 Sep 2019Writers:
Fyzal Boulifa, Scott Meek (Script Editor)