Angela's Christmas Wish (2020) is the heartwarming sequel to the beloved movie Angela's Christmas. This film follows the story of Angela, a determined little girl, who embarks on a journey to reunite her family just in time for Christmas.
Set in Ireland during the early 1900s, Angela's Christmas Wish transports viewers to a cozy, nostalgic atmosphere. Angela's kind-heartedness and indomitable spirit shine through as she hatches a plan to bring her family together. Along the way, Angela encounters various challenges and heartwarming moments that will tug at your heartstrings.
With stunning animation and a beautifully crafted storyline, Angela's Christmas Wish is a must-watch for the whole family. It teaches valuable lessons about the importance of love, family, and the true meaning of Christmas.
This enchanting film elicits both laughter and tears, creating a magical experience for viewers of all ages. Angela's Christmas Wish is a delightful addition to any holiday watchlist, promising to leave you feeling uplifted and filled with the holiday spirit.
Join Angela in her incredible journey as she spreads love and cheer this Christmas. Experience the power of family bonds and the magic of the holiday season with Angela's Christmas Wish, streaming now.
Also Known As:
Angela's Christmas WishRelease Date:
01 Dec 2020Writers:
Frank McCourt, Damien O'ConnorAwards:
3 nominations