Occurrence at Mills Creek (2020) is a haunting psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman who becomes haunted by the tragic death of her sister. As the film unfolds, we witness her descent into madness as her grasp on reality slowly deteriorates. Unknown to her, a malevolent force from her family's past begins to infiltrate her life, unleashing a darkness that consumes her.
The movie explores themes of grief, guilt, and the hidden secrets that can bring about psychological turmoil. It delves deep into the protagonist's psyche, capturing the disturbing effects of trauma and how it can distort one's perception of reality.
Occurrence at Mills Creek skillfully crafts an eerie atmosphere, utilizing atmospheric cinematography and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, to immerse viewers in its unsettling world. The performances are exceptional, especially from the lead actress, who brilliantly portrays the unraveling of her character's sanity.
With its unpredictable twists and turns, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, while gradually revealing the sinister events of the past. Occurrence at Mills Creek is a chilling and thought-provoking film that explores the depths of the human psyche and the devastating consequences of unresolved grief.
Also Known As:
Occurrence at Mills CreekRelease Date:
12 Sep 2020Writers:
Don Swanson, Betsy Lynn George (additional dialogue), Betsy Lynn George (creative consultant), Joe Fishel (additional dialogue), Joe Fishel (creative consultant), Ava Psoras (additional dialogue)Awards:
3 wins & 1 nomination.