My Summer as a Goth, set in the 1990s, is a captivating coming-of-age film that delves into the universal themes of identity and love during adolescence. The story revolves around Joey, a 16-year-old girl who finds solace in becoming a goth after her parents' divorce.
As Joey navigates her way through the summer, she discovers the complex nature of self-discovery and the challenges that come with it. Her journey of self-exploration is both painful and entertaining, captivating audiences of all ages.
The film skillfully captures the essence of the 1990s, immersing viewers in a nostalgic atmosphere filled with scrunchies, Doc Martens, and grunge music.
Joey's transformation into a goth leads her to a group of like-minded misfits who offer her friendship and support. Along the way, she discovers the complexities of teenage love when she becomes infatuated with the intriguing Victor.
This heartfelt and relatable film takes audiences on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminding us of the challenges and triumphs of teenage life. My Summer as a Goth serves as a poignant reminder that the search for identity and love is not always easy but is undoubtedly a part of the universal human experience.
Also Known As:
My Summer as a GothWriters:
Tara Johnson-Medinger, Brandon Lee Roberts