In the 1989-set satirical horror film Bad Hair, an ambitious young woman named Anna desires success in the glamorous world of music television. Hoping to make a lasting impression, she decides to get a weave. Little does she know, her decision may have dire consequences. As her career takes off, she begins to suspect that her new hair possesses a mind of its own, leading to a series of sinister and terrifying events.
Set against the backdrop of the image-obsessed entertainment industry, Bad Hair explores the price of conformity and the sacrifices one is willing to make for success. The film delves into themes of identity, self-expression, and the societal pressures faced by women of color. With its blend of horror, comedy, and social commentary, Bad Hair offers a unique twist on the traditional coming-of-age narrative.
Directed by Justin Simien, the filmmaker behind the critically acclaimed Dear White People, Bad Hair boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Elle Lorraine, Vanessa Williams, Lena Waithe, and Laverne Cox. Simien's stylish and visually striking direction, combined with a haunting score and stunning cinematography, creates a captivating and chilling viewing experience.
Bad Hair is a thought-provoking and genre-bending film that examines the cost of conformity in an industry that demands perfection. Full of unexpected twists and turns, this provocative horror-comedy is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Bad HairRelease Date:
23 Oct 2020Writers:
Justin Simien