Filthy Rich is an exciting TV series that revolves around the glitzy and scandalous lives of the heirs to a wealthy Southern businessman. In this gripping drama, the story takes an unpredictable turn when the patriarch of the Monreaux family, Eugene, tragically dies in a plane crash. Left behind are his widow, Margaret, and their three adult children, Rose, Eric, and Antonio.
As the family mourns their loss, a shocking revelation comes to light – Eugene had several affairs and illegitimate children, leaving behind a secret family that now demands their share of the fortune. Led by Ginger, a cunning and manipulative woman, this newly discovered illegitimate family sets off on a mission to claim what they believe is rightfully theirs.
Margaret and her children find themselves thrust into a ruthless battle for control of the family's empire, where money, power, and secrets blend into a dangerous mix. The Monreaux family must navigate treacherous waters, grappling with deceit, betrayal, and shocking revelations as they fight to secure their position in the extravagant world they are accustomed to.
With a star-studded cast and intricately woven plotlines, Filthy Rich offers viewers an addictive mix of glamour, scandal, and gripping drama. Prepare to be immersed in a world where nothing is as it seems and where the quest for wealth and power can drive people to extreme measures. Can the Monreaux family hold onto their fortune or will they be outwitted by their newfound rivals? Watch Filthy Rich to find out.
Also Known As:
Filthy RichWriters:
Tate Taylor