Scare Me is a gripping horror-comedy film set in a Catskills cabin during a power outage. In this unique twist, two strangers, Fred and Fanny, begin telling scary stories to pass the time. As their storytelling progresses, something strange starts happening - the stories seem to come to life. With each tale they tell, the horrors become more vivid and terrifying.
As the tension builds, Fred begins to confront his deepest fears, leading to a terrifying climax. The film expertly weaves between reality and the stories being told, blurring the line between fiction and actual horror.
Directed by Josh Ruben, who also stars as Fred, Scare Me is a fresh take on the horror genre. The film showcases the impressive storytelling skills of Aya Cash as Fanny and Chris Redd as an unexpected guest, offering a thrilling and comedic experience.
With its witty dialogue and cleverly crafted scares, Scare Me creates an engaging and suspenseful atmosphere. The film explores the power of imagination and the thin line between reality and the stories we create. Prepare to be both frightened and entertained as you delve into the twisted world of Scare Me.
Also Known As:
Scare MeRelease Date:
01 Oct 2020Writers:
Josh RubenAwards:
1 nomination