Corazón loco (2020) is a heartwarming and hilarious Spanish comedy that tells the story of Fernando, a devoted family man who finds himself caught between two families. Fernando is equally committed to both his wife and kids, as well as his girlfriend and their daughter from a previous relationship. However, his careful balancing act comes crashing down when circumstances force his two families to become entangled.
Filled with humor and witty dialogue, Corazón loco takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as Fernando navigates the challenges of maintaining his secret life while juggling the expectations and demands of both families. As his worlds collide, he must navigate the delicate situation, hoping to prevent any major repercussions.
This film explores themes of love, family, and the complexities of relationships, all while providing plenty of laughter and heartwarming moments. The charismatic cast delivers standout performances, bringing the characters to life with their comedic timing and genuine emotions.
Corazón loco strikes a perfect balance between comedy and drama, creating a relatable and entertaining experience for viewers. Whether you're a fan of romantic comedies or simply enjoy a lighthearted and feel-good movie, Corazón loco is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Corazón locoRelease Date:
13 Aug 2020Writers:
Adrián Suar, Marcos Carnevale