In the supernatural thriller Agramon's Gate (2017), a psychic reader and Medium find themselves in the midst of a terrifying battle with an otherworldly entity. Invited to a party, they soon discover that something has gone horribly wrong, and a malevolent presence from the other side begins to haunt the guests. Now, they must use their psychic abilities and solve the mystery behind this haunting before it's too late.
As the group delves deeper into the paranormal, they realize that stopping Agramon, the sinister force plaguing them, will not be an easy task. Each member of the party begins experiencing terrifying encounters and unexplained phenomena, pushing them to the brink of their sanity. Bound by their common goal, they band together to uncover the truth behind this supernatural terror.
Featuring a suspenseful storyline and a sense of impending doom, Agramon's Gate keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they eagerly anticipate the group's final showdown with the malevolent force. The movie explores themes of mystery, fear, and the unseen forces that can intrude upon our lives. Will they be able to unravel the secrets behind this haunting and put an end to Agramon's reign of terror? Stream Agramon's Gate now to witness a chilling battle between the living and the supernatural.
Also Known As:
Agramon's GateWriters:
Harley Wallen