In The Nothing, Clayton Thompson, a passionate college graduate, embarks on a journey to create his magnum opus - an art piece born from the depths of personal darkness. Determined to self-document the process, Clayton begins by conducting interviews with his closest confidants, including his best friend and girlfriend, unraveling the motivations behind his unconventional plan.
With a firm resolve, Clayton envisions himself being marooned in the uncharted North Georgia Mountains, armed only with camera equipment and minimal supplies. Cut off from the outside world, he intends to embrace isolation and surrender to the haunting presence that lingers there.
As Clayton immerses himself in this solitary existence, his sanity is tested like never before. Unable to communicate with the external world, he grapples with the looming specter that taunts him relentlessly. The seemingly innocuous wilderness around him transforms into a menacing force, threatening his very being.
Filmmaker Clayton Thompson's debut feature, The Nothing, delves into the depths of artistic creation and the price one must pay to capture the truest essence of their work. Will Clayton emerge from his self-imposed exile with a masterpiece, or will he succumb to the darkness that surrounds him?
Also Known As:
The NothingWriters:
Clayton Thompson