Burn Your Maps is a heartwarming and unconventional adventure film that centers around the life of Wes, an imaginative 8-year-old boy. The movie follows the journey of Wes and his family, who are going through a tough emotional period. Unexpectedly, Wes has an existential epiphany, claiming that he is not actually an American boy, but a Mongolian goat herder.
As Wes's belief becomes stronger, his family embarks on a remarkable journey to help him find his true identity. Determined to follow his dreams, they travel to Mongolia, where they encounter a multitude of unique and captivating experiences. Along the way, they meet fascinating people and immerse themselves in the vibrant Mongolian culture, discovering the true meaning of family, identity, and love.
Directed by Jordan Roberts, Burn Your Maps is a heartwarming and thought-provoking film that explores the themes of self-discovery and acceptance. The eccentricity of Wes's belief brings humor and lightness to the story, making it an enjoyable and uplifting watch. The stunning cinematography showcases the breathtaking landscapes of Mongolia, elevating the film to a visually stunning piece of art.
With its quirky and endearing characters, Burn Your Maps strikes a balance between light-hearted entertainment and deep emotional connection. It is a film that will resonate with viewers of all ages, reminding them of the importance of following their dreams and finding their true selves.