Dollface (2019–2022) is a captivating comedy-drama series that follows the story of Jules, a young woman who finds herself at a crossroads after ending a long-term relationship. As she tries to navigate her newfound single life, Jules realizes that she has lost touch with her close female friends during her time with her ex-boyfriend. Determined to rekindle these lost connections, she embarks on a journey to rebuild these important relationships.
Throughout the series, Jules delves into the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, discovering her own identity outside of her romantic relationship. Along the way, she encounters a diverse group of characters, from quirky coworkers to potential new friends who challenge her and help her grow.
Dollface explores relatable themes such as friendship, love, and self-exploration, incorporating humor and heartwarming moments. The show is filled with witty dialogue, engaging storylines, and compelling character arcs that draw viewers in.
With its relatable premise and well-developed characters, Dollface has received critical acclaim for its portrayal of female friendships and the importance of having a support system, making it a must-watch for fans of comedy-dramas. Prepare to laugh, cry, and cheer alongside Jules as she embarks on a journey of rediscovery and reconnection.
Also Known As:
DollfaceRelease Date:
15 Nov 2019Writers:
Jordan WeissAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination