A Moment in the Reeds is a thought-provoking drama that explores themes of love, identity, and cultural differences. The story centers around Leevi, a Finnish student who returns to his native country from Paris to help his father renovate their family lake house. As fate would have it, Tareq, a Syrian refugee, is hired to assist with the renovations. The film follows their blossoming connection as they spend time together during the Finnish midsummer.
Through heartfelt conversations and shared experiences, Leevi and Tareq begin to develop a deeper understanding of one another's backgrounds and struggles. As their bond grows stronger, they confront their own personal demons and find solace in each other's company.
A Moment in the Reeds offers a fresh perspective on the immigrant experience and the challenges faced by those who find themselves displaced in a foreign land. The film beautifully portrays the beauty of Finland's nature and its significance in providing a backdrop for the characters' self-discovery.
With its authentic performances and nuanced storytelling, this powerful drama invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of human connection and the importance of empathy. A Moment in the Reeds is a must-watch for anyone seeking a moving and captivating cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
A Moment in the ReedsRelease Date:
29 Jun 2018Writers:
Mikko Makela