In ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads (2019), viewers delve into the intriguing life of blues icon Robert Johnson. This documentary offers a comprehensive exploration of the talented musician's enigmatic existence, which was shrouded in myths and legends. According to the tales, Johnson allegedly made a Faustian pact with the Devil at a crossroads in rural Mississippi.
Through interviews with musicians, musicologists, and historians, audiences gain insight into Johnson's impact on the blues genre and his enduring influence on future artists. The film delves into the roots of the blues and Johnson's unique guitar playing style, distinguishing him as an unparalleled talent.
ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads offers a deep dive into the complex personal life of Johnson, examining his relationships, struggles, and aspirations. The documentary sheds light on the racial discrimination Johnson faced as an African American artist in the early 20th century, painting a picture of the social climate and the challenges he had to overcome. While the details of his tragically short life will capture the viewer's attention, the film also explores the enduring legacy of his music and the ongoing debates surrounding the origins of the stories that surround him.
This thought-provoking documentary reveals the cultural significance of Robert Johnson's contributions, ensuring that his story and music continue to captivate audiences.