The Stepfather (2009) follows the story of Michael Harding (Penn Badgley) who returns home from military school to discover his mother Susan (Sela Ward) in a new relationship with David (Dylan Walsh). As Michael tries to build a bond with his mother's new boyfriend, he begins to notice strange and unsettling behavior from David. Determined to protect his family, Michael starts investigating David's past and uncovers a series of alarming secrets.
Directed by Nelson McCormick, this thrilling psychological horror film delves into the unsettling world of a dangerous stepfather with a hidden agenda. It explores themes of trust, deception, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones.
Penn Badgley delivers a compelling performance as Michael, skillfully portraying his transformation from a trusting teenager to a determined investigator. Dylan Walsh captivates audiences with his chilling portrayal of David, effortlessly blending charm and menace.
The Stepfather successfully keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense suspense and unexpected twists. It offers a rollercoaster ride of emotions as viewers question who they can trust and how far one can go to maintain a façade of normalcy.
With its gripping narrative and skillful performances, The Stepfather (2009) is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers, delivering a captivating and spine-chilling experience.
Also Known As:
The StepfatherRelease Date:
16 Oct 2009Writers:
J.S. Cardone, Donald E. Westlake, Carolyn LefcourtAwards:
2 nominations