Destination Dewsbury is a hilarious comedy film that takes viewers back to the 80s when five friends were causing chaos during their school days. Fast forward twenty years, and these friends find themselves stuck in jobs they dislike and marriages that have lost their spark. The group receives devastating news that their leader, Frankie, is dying in Yorkshire.
In a bid to make the most of their time together, the friends embark on a wild, emotional, and unforgettable road trip to Dewsbury. Along the way, they encounter a series of outrageous adventures that will have viewers in stitches.
The film combines the intellectual humor of The Inbetweeners with the bromantic dynamics from The World's End. To spice things up, it also throws in a generous dose of the hilarious chaos seen in The Hangover. Destination Dewsbury promises to be one of the funniest releases of 2018, leaving audiences laughing from start to finish.
This light-hearted comedy explores themes of friendship, nostalgia, and seizing the day. With its relatable characters and side-splitting scenarios, Destination Dewsbury is an entertaining must-watch that will leave viewers rolling in laughter. Don't miss out on this uproarious comedy that will brighten up your day and remind you of the importance of living life to the fullest.