In the film The Restaurant (2017), Andy, the protagonist, finds himself in a devilish deal as he manages Scoppa, an Italian restaurant with big dreams. Andy's secret lies in the restaurant's success - a demon residing in the basement that attracts customers through its black magic. In return, Andy sacrifices unsuspecting guests, feeding them to the demon.
Andy's life takes a turn when the busboy accidentally discovers the sinister truth behind the restaurant's accomplishments. As the busboy becomes aware of the dark secret, he threatens to expose Andy and the demonic pact, putting Scoppa's reputation and Andy's life at risk.
This suspenseful and gripping film explores the challenges faced by Andy as he tries to maintain the restaurant's prosperity while dealing with the consequences of his pact. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Andy must navigate the murky waters of personal gain versus moral responsibility.
The Restaurant is a thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness Andy's struggle to protect his dark secret and the ultimate question of whether he will choose to save his own life or confront the demons of his past.
Note: Please ensure that the film is actually titled The Restaurant (2017) as mentioned, as the film might have alternate titles.
Also Known As:
The RestaurantWriters:
Eric T. Ford