Now Apocalypse is a thrilling and thought-provoking series set in Los Angeles. It follows the life of Ulysses, a young man who embarks on a journey to find love, sex, and fame along with his friends. However, his recurring premonitory dreams lead him to question whether there is a sinister conspiracy unfolding around him.
The series delves into the chaotic and often surreal aspects of modern romance and relationships, bringing to light the complexities of dating in the digital age. Ulysses finds himself immersed in a world of strange encounters and bizarre occurrences, blurring the lines between reality and his vivid imagination.
As he navigates his way through LA's vibrant and hedonistic nightlife, Ulysses becomes increasingly convinced that there is something darker hiding beneath the surface. He must grapple with his own fears and insecurities while trying to untangle the web of secrets surrounding him.
Now Apocalypse combines elements of comedy, drama, and science fiction to create a unique and captivating viewing experience. With its engaging storytelling and a talented ensemble cast, the series explores themes of identity, sexuality, and the ever-evolving landscape of modern relationships.
Prepare to be captivated and intrigued as Ulysses and his friends uncover the truth behind the enigmatic conspiracy that threatens to disrupt their lives. Now Apocalypse offers an exhilarating and mind-bending ride that will leave audiences questioning what is real and what is merely a product of their imagination.
Also Known As:
Now ApocalypseRelease Date:
10 Mar 2019Writers:
Gregg Araki