The Degenerates is a hilarious comedy series that showcases the talents of some of the rising stars in the comedy world. With no topic off limits, comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P., and Brad Williams dive headfirst into a wild and uncensored comedic experience.
Each episode features a different comedian, giving viewers the chance to enjoy a variety of comedic styles and perspectives. From Big Jay Oakerson's bold and unfiltered humor to Joey Diaz's outrageous stories, each comedian brings their unique brand of comedy to the stage, guaranteed to leave audiences in stitches.
Liza Treyger and Yamaneika Saunders continue the laughter with their sharp wit and uncensored observations about everything from relationships to social issues. Christina P. takes the stage with her fearless and honest approach, while Brad Williams captivates viewers with his quick wit and self-deprecating humor.
The Degenerates is not for the faint of heart, as the comedians pull no punches and tackle taboo subjects with relentless comedic precision. If you're looking for a side-splitting and boundary-pushing comedy experience, then The Degenerates is a must-watch for you. Get ready to embark on a wild and uproarious journey with these fearless and unapologetic comedians.
Each episode features a different comedian, giving viewers the chance to enjoy a variety of comedic styles and perspectives. From Big Jay Oakerson's bold and unfiltered humor to Joey Diaz's outrageous stories, each comedian brings their unique brand of comedy to the stage, guaranteed to leave audiences in stitches.
Liza Treyger and Yamaneika Saunders continue the laughter with their sharp wit and uncensored observations about everything from relationships to social issues. Christina P. takes the stage with her fearless and honest approach, while Brad Williams captivates viewers with his quick wit and self-deprecating humor.
The Degenerates is not for the faint of heart, as the comedians pull no punches and tackle taboo subjects with relentless comedic precision. If you're looking for a side-splitting and boundary-pushing comedy experience, then The Degenerates is a must-watch for you. Get ready to embark on a wild and uproarious journey with these fearless and unapologetic comedians.