Amatörer is a captivating and heartwarming Swedish film that tells the story of a small, sleepy province in Sweden. In an effort to attract a discount store chain to their town, the residents decide to hire a pompous commercial director to showcase their town's worthiness. However, the true story is unveiled by two vibrant and audacious high school girls from immigrant families, who use their cell phones and selfie sticks to capture the reality of their community.
The film sheds light on the lives of these young girls, who take it upon themselves to show the world the authentic side of their town. Through their candid and honest documentation, they challenge the superficial narrative created by the commercial director and depict the struggles and triumphs of their multicultural community.
Amatörer is a beautiful exploration of identity, belonging, and the power of storytelling. It highlights the importance of inclusivity and celebrating diversity within a community. The film provides a fresh perspective on the modern era, where technology and social media play a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and understanding of the world.
With its relatable and endearing characters, Amatörer is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartfelt and thought-provoking film. It is a reminder that sometimes, the true essence of a place can only be captured by those who are deeply connected to it.