In the thrilling movie Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018), Burt Gummer, a skilled monster hunter, and his son Travis find themselves at a remote research station in Canada's Nunavut Territory. Burt, who is suffering from Graboid poison, must face a new threat of these deadly creatures in order to save his own life.
Set in the freezing cold and unforgiving snow-covered landscapes, Burt and Travis join forces with a group of scientists stationed at the research facility. Together, they must battle against the formidable Graboids, which have adapted to the extreme cold temperature and are a more dangerous breed than ever before.
As the team fights for survival, they uncover a shocking truth about the nature of the Graboids and the reason behind their increased threat. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever, Burt and Travis must devise a plan to outsmart the relentless creatures and find a cure for Burt's poison.
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell delivers the perfect blend of gripping action, intense suspense, and a dose of dark humor. Fans of the Tremors franchise will be thrilled by this latest installment, where the iconic character Burt Gummer must confront his biggest challenge yet. Prepare for an adrenaline-packed adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat!
Also Known As:
Tremors: A Cold Day in HellRelease Date:
01 May 2018Writers:
John Whelpley, Brent Maddock (based on characters created by), S.S. Wilson (based on characters created by), Ron Underwood (based on characters created by)