In the 1990s, the adorable and quirky members of a high school A/V club in Oregon find themselves colliding with the drama club in a heartwarming and nostalgic coming-of-age tale. Everything Sucks! follows an eclectic group of teenagers as they navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, friendship, and first love.
Set in the small town of Boring, Oregon, the show captures the essence of high school life in the 90s, complete with retro music, fashion, and pop culture references. The A/V club, led by the lovable and socially awkward Luke, joins forces with the drama club, led by the enigmatic Kate, to create a project that challenges their personal boundaries.
As the club members embark on this journey, they must also face their own insecurities, family issues, and the complexities of teenage life. Along the way, they form unexpected friendships, discover hidden talents, and learn important life lessons.
Everything Sucks! is a delightful blend of humor, heart, and nostalgia that will resonate with viewers of all ages. With its authentic portrayal of teenage angst and the importance of embracing individuality, this coming-of-age series is not to be missed. So grab a bowl of popcorn and get ready for a journey back to the 90s with the delightful and relatable characters of Everything Sucks!