Flykten från Alcatraz (1979) is a gripping and intense film based on the true story of three inmates who attempt an audacious escape from the notorious Alcatraz Island prison. This infamous penitentiary, which had housed notorious criminals such as Al Capone and Birdman Robert Stroud, was considered impenetrable with no successful escapes in its 29-year history.
The mastermind behind the escape plan is bank robber Frank Morris, who meticulously devises an elaborate scheme for his getaway. With the help of two fellow inmates, Frank must navigate the prison's intricate security systems, outsmart the guards, and overcome countless obstacles to make their escape.
The film emphasizes the sheer determination and resourcefulness of the three inmates, as they meticulously plan their every move. Director Don Siegel skillfully portrays the tension and suspense as the trio executes their plan, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering if they will succeed or face dire consequences.
While the fate of the inmates remains a mystery, as they were never heard from again, Flykten från Alcatraz offers an intriguing and plausible account of their escape. This thrilling film is a must-watch for those who appreciate true stories of human resilience and the pursuit of freedom.
Also Known As:
Escape from AlcatrazRelease Date:
22 Jun 1979Writers:
J. Campbell Bruce, Richard Tuggle