In the comedy film Greedy (1994), wealthy uncle Joe McTeague finds himself in a precarious position as he becomes the subject of his greedy relatives' manipulative endeavors. With his vast fortune at stake, his family members put on a façade of affection, all while secretly plotting against each other to secure their place as Joe's sole inheritor.
As Uncle Joe navigates this treacherous environment, he struggles with his own moral dilemma. Should he succumb to the pressure and make a decision that satisfies his family's selfish desires, or should he follow his instincts and choose a more deserving heir?
The movie showcases the lengths to which the characters are willing to go to gain Uncle Joe's favor, resorting to deceit, betrayal, and outlandish schemes. Amidst the chaos, Joe's personal assistant, Daniel, serves as a voice of reason, attempting to guide Joe towards a more wholesome and sincere choice.
Greedy combines comedy and satire to provide an entertaining and hilarious take on family dynamics and the pursuit of wealth. With an all-star cast including Michael J. Fox, Kirk Douglas, and Nancy Travis, the film delves into the absurdity of human greed, highlighting the lengths that people will go to secure their financial future.
Sit back and enjoy as Greedy takes you on a laugh-out-loud journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, reminding us all that family can be truly unpredictable when money is involved.
Also Known As:
GreedyRelease Date:
04 Mar 1994Writers:
Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel