Bat 21 is a thrilling war film based on a true story set during the Vietnam War. Lt. Col. Iceal Ham Hambleton, an expert in weapons countermeasures, finds himself stranded behind enemy lines after his aircraft is shot down. The Air Force urgently wants to rescue him, as he holds vital information that cannot fall into enemy hands.
However, due to a shortage of helicopters, Hambleton's rescue is delayed, leaving him vulnerable to the imminent carpet-bombing of the area he is trapped in. In a desperate attempt to survive, he teams up with Capt. Bartholomew Clark, an Air Force reconnaissance pilot. Together, they devise an escape route based on the golf courses Hambleton has played, using his intimate knowledge of the terrain.
As they navigate through enemy forces, Hambleton and Clark face intense danger and witness the deaths of their fellow soldiers. With each passing moment, the urgency to rescue Hambleton grows, as both the enemy and the impending bombing pose constant threats to his survival.
Bat 21 is a gripping and suspenseful film that showcases the resilience and resourcefulness of its protagonist, Lt. Col. Iceal Hambleton, as he fights for his life behind enemy lines.