Barry Lyndon is an epic historical drama directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1975. The story is set in the Eighteenth Century and follows the life of Redmond Barry, a young Irish farm boy. Barry is deeply in love with his cousin Nora, but when she becomes engaged to the British Captain John Quin, he challenges him to a duel and emerges victorious. Fleeing from the repercussions, Barry joins the British Army and fights in the Seven Years War. However, he eventually deserts and is compelled to join the Prussian Army.
While serving in the Prussian Army, Barry saves the life of his captain and becomes his protege and spy for the Irish gambler Chevalier de Balibari. He forms a close association with Chevalier until he is presented with an opportunity to marry the wealthy Lady Lyndon and attain nobility. Barry seizes the chance and they relocate to England.
In his pursuit of social status and a life of luxury, Barry recklessly dissipates Lady Lyndon's fortune. As a result, he attracts a dangerous and vengeful enemy. Barry must navigate the treacherous waters of high society while facing the consequences of his actions.
Barry Lyndon is a visually stunning film that delves into themes of love, ambition, and downfall. It offers a sweeping portrayal of an individual's quest for wealth and nobility, and the tragic consequences that can arise from such obsessions. The film showcases Kubrick's meticulous attention to detail and his ability to create a captivating and immersive cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Barry LyndonRelease Date:
18 Dec 1975Writers:
Stanley Kubrick (written for the screen by), William Makepeace Thackeray (novel)Awards:
Won 4 Oscars. Another 13 wins & 14 nominations.