Expelled (2014) is a hilarious and entertaining comedy that follows the misadventures of Felix, a notorious prankster. Played by Cameron Dallas, Felix has a knack for charming his way out of trouble, but when he gets expelled from school after his third strike, even his wit may not be enough.
Determined to hide his expulsion from his parents, Felix teams up with his brother and best friend, played by Marcus Johns and Matt Shively respectively. Together, they come up with a plan to deceive Felix's parents and keep his expulsion a secret. Along the way, they also enlist the help of a new friend played by Lia Marie Johnson, and a classmate played by Andrea Russett.
As Felix and his friends attempt to cover up the truth, hilarity ensues, with their elaborate schemes and outrageous pranks gone wrong. From creating fake report cards to staging a fake wedding, they stop at nothing to maintain the charade.
Expelled is a fast-paced and light-hearted comedy that will keep audiences laughing from start to finish. With its talented cast and witty humor, this movie is a must-watch for fans of Cameron Dallas and anyone looking for a good laugh.