Above the Rim is a captivating 1994 drama that follows the life of a talented high school basketball player named Kyle, tackling themes of friendship, loyalty, and the price of success. Set against the backdrop of Harlem's inner-city basketball scene, Kyle finds himself torn between two influential brothers: Birdie, a ruthless drug dealer, and Shep, a former basketball star turned security guard.
This coming-of-age story delves into the complexities of Kyle's relationships as he strives to navigate the dangerous world of street culture while pursuing his dreams on the court. As Birdie lures him with the temptation of flashy fame and easy money, Shep becomes a mentor figure offering guidance to keep Kyle on the right path.
Full of gripping basketball action, the film serves as a metaphor for the challenges young people face when confronted with the allure of fast money and the importance of making the right choices. Above the Rim offers an intense and emotional exploration of the choices and sacrifices one must make to rise above their circumstances.
With a talented ensemble cast, including rap artist Tupac Shakur, Leon Robinson, and Duane Martin, this film delivers powerful performances and a thought-provoking narrative. Directed by Jeff Pollack and written by Barry Michael Cooper, Above the Rim is a must-watch for fans of gritty sports dramas and heartfelt storytelling.
Also Known As:
Above the RimRelease Date:
23 Mar 1994Writers:
Jeff Pollack, Benny Medina, Barry Michael CooperAwards:
1 nomination