In Being Charlie, an emotionally charged indie drama, we follow the tumultuous journey of Charlie, an 18-year-old struggling with addiction and rebellious behavior. After breaking out of a youth drug treatment clinic, Charlie returns home to Los Angeles, only to be confronted by his concerned parents who stage an intervention. Reluctantly, he is whisked away to an adult rehab facility.
In this new setting, Charlie encounters Eva, a captivating and troubled girl who becomes both a source of comfort and a catalyst for chaos in his life. Together, they navigate the treacherous waters of addiction, grappling with their own demons and seeking elusive love and acceptance.
Amidst the backdrop of divided parents and personal battles, Charlie must confront his own inner turmoil and make difficult choices if he wants to find redemption and rebuild his life.
With a poignant blend of raw, authentic performances and a gripping screenplay, Being Charlie sheds light on the struggles faced by those fighting addiction. This thought-provoking and emotionally charged film provides an intimate portrait of the complexities of drug rehabilitation, love, and personal growth.
Watch Being Charlie to witness a heartfelt exploration of the human condition and the power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.