Last Girl Standing (2015) is a unique horror movie that delves into the aftermath of a traumatic event. Five years ago, a masked killer ruthlessly murdered a group of friends, leaving behind a lone survivor named Camryn. In the present day, Camryn is shown struggling to rebuild her life that was shattered by the horrifying incident.
Haunted by guilt and plagued by paranoia, Camryn's journey towards normalcy seems almost impossible. Last Girl Standing expertly explores the psychological toll that such a traumatic event can take on a survivor, presenting a mix of slasher elements and character study.
Rather than focusing solely on the horror aspect, Last Girl Standing provides an intimate and penetrating exploration of the survivor's experience. It delves into the question of whether Camryn can ever truly overcome her past and live a normal life or if she is fated to always be alone.
This thought-provoking movie raises important questions about the long-term effects of trauma and offers insight into the inner struggles faced by survivors of horror movies. Last Girl Standing offers a unique perspective on the genre, making it a must-watch for horror enthusiasts looking for a deeper and more nuanced experience.