Air America (1990) is an action-packed film set during the Vietnam War, following the story of Billy Covington, a former pilot who lost his license. Desperate for a job, Billy accepts an offer to work for Air America, the CIA's covert private airline. Little does he know, he's about to embark on a wild and dangerous adventure.
As part of Air America, Billy finds himself in the company of a group of eccentric pilots who engage in risky missions, transporting soldiers and delivering supplies to remote villages in Laos. He soon becomes entangled in a web of illegal activities orchestrated by his friend Gene Ryack, involving gun-running and opium smuggling.
As Billy navigates the complexities of his new job, he must also contend with his superiors, who are involved in the shady dealings. With danger lurking at every turn, Billy must choose between loyalty and doing what's right.
Air America is a thrilling and fast-paced film that explores the dark underbelly of war and the lengths some individuals will go to survive. With impressive aerial stunts and heart-racing action sequences, this movie is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Join Billy Covington as he fights against corrupt forces and discovers the true meaning of loyalty amidst chaos. Will he be able to maintain his integrity in the face of overwhelming odds? Watch Air America to find out.