Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust (2017) is a hilarious and raw comedy special that showcases the comedic genius of Sarah Silverman. This stand-up performance marks Silverman's triumphant return to comedy following her recent health scare. In her unique style, she fearlessly tackles a range of topics, from personal anecdotes to social issues, with a perfect blend of fun facts, sad truths, and the occasional shocking statement.
Throughout the special, Silverman engages the audience with her witty and politically charged humor, pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. She fearlessly discusses taboo subjects, demonstrating her signature she-just-went-there moments that have made her stand out in the world of comedy.
Drawing from her own life experiences, Silverman cleverly intertwines hilarious moments with poignant insights, providing a glimpse into her personal journey and unique perspective on the world. Her comedic timing and delivery are impeccable, keeping viewers engaged and in stitches from start to finish.
Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust is a must-watch for comedy enthusiasts and fans of Silverman's work. With her sharp wit and candid storytelling, she creates an unforgettable experience that is sure to leave audiences entertained, enlightened, and craving for more.
Also Known As:
Sarah Silverman: A Speck of DustRelease Date:
30 May 2017Writers:
Sarah SilvermanAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. 2 nominations total