Farbror Joakim och Knattarna - Jakten på den försvunna lampan (1990) is an adventurous animated film featuring Scrooge McDuck and his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. The story begins with Scrooge and his companions, including the clumsy pilot, Launch Pad, and Webby, arriving in Egypt. They stumble upon the lost treasure of Collie Baba, unaware that it contains a magical lamp. The nephews, excitedly playing with the lamp, unknowingly unleash its genie.
Meanwhile, a power-hungry sorcerer named Murlock, accompanied by his bumbling thief sidekick, Dijon, has been observing their every move. Murlock discovers the existence of the magical lamp, and his desire for its power intensifies. He relentlessly pursues Scrooge and the nephews in his quest to obtain the lamp.
As the chase ensues, the group encounters perilous obstacles and thrilling adventures throughout Egypt. Scrooge and his companions must outsmart Murlock and Dijon, while also navigating the vast desert and ancient ruins. Along the way, they rely on their wit, teamwork, and resourcefulness to overcome the challenges and protect the magical lamp.
Farbror Joakim och Knattarna - Jakten på den försvunna lampan is an exciting and humorous film that combines elements of adventure, magic, and treasure hunting. It is a family-friendly animation that will captivate audiences of all ages as they join this lovable group in their quest to protect the lamp and outsmart the cunning sorcerer.