In the captivating thriller 10 Days of a Bad Man, viewers are introduced to Sadik, a former lawyer turned private investigator. Sadik, played by a yet-to-be-announced actor, finds himself at the center of a thought-provoking and intricate case that sets off a chain of events that threaten to dismantle his once peaceful existence.
Set against a backdrop of suspense and mystery, 10 Days of a Bad Man expertly delves into Sadik's unraveling life as he struggles to navigate the complexities of his latest investigation. As clues are uncovered and alliances are tested, Sadik finds himself entangled in a web of deception, with every passing day bringing him closer to the truth.
Directed by a visionary filmmaker (director's name withheld), the film masterfully creates an atmosphere of tension and unease, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. With its gripping storyline and a cast that includes both established talents and rising stars, 10 Days of a Bad Man promises to be an enthralling cinematic experience.
Filled with unexpected twists and turns, this compelling thriller unravels over the course of 10 suspenseful days, revealing secrets, unveiling hidden motives, and challenging viewers to question their own perceptions of right and wrong. 10 Days of a Bad Man is a must-watch for fans of captivating storytelling and gripping suspense.
Also Known As:
10 Days of a Bad ManRelease Date:
18 Aug 2023Writers:
Mehmet Eroglu, Damla Serim